Here are just a few of the amazing successes of 2024:
Flanner Farms, in its eighth year of operation, produced more than 50,000 pounds of organic produce for residents in what was the largest food desert in Indianapolis.
Morningstar African-Centered Wellness Center, the nation’s only all back-owned, operated and staffed mental health center provided more than 5000 counseling units to residents in and around the city of Indianapolis.
Ujamaa hosted more than 300 book talks, art openings, entrepreneur “Pitch Feasts”, musical events, and community forums and tabled at several conventions at the Indiana Convention Center.
Our F.E.E.D. and Center for Working Families teams have started a new High School Equivalency Program in partnership with IndyReads.
5 college scholarships were provided as a result of our 18th Annual Golf Outing, which was a completely sold-out event this year for the 6th year.
Our Early Childhood Center was recertified Level 4 Paths to Quality, and we passed our national accreditation review, and we graduated our first cohort of Kindergartners in May.
Center for Working Families – Clients Served – 1539, Families Served – 120, Rental Assistance Provided – 330, Utility Assistance Provided – 206, Transportation Provided – 150, Healthy Food Access – 627, Health and Wellness – 169.
Our F.E.E.D. (Farming, Education, Employment and Distribution) program hired 60 young adults to work the farm and get enrolled in a High School Equivalency Program
For our Christmas Toy Program, we were able to provide toys for 350 families and more than 700 individual children.
We are deeply grateful for your unwavering support, which has made our 126th year of service both memorable and impactful. As we look ahead to 2025, we humbly seek your continued partnership. The ever-growing needs of our community and the operations of our ongoing programs enable the team at Flanner House to exemplify true service and commitment to those we serve. None of this would be possible without the steadfast generosity and dedication of valued partners like you. Your contributions enable us to confidently move forward into 2025 and build a foundation for the next 126 years of meaningful service.
Wishing you the Safest & Happiest Holidays,
Dr. Brandon D. Cosby